


Words are very important in our life.Without words we cannot express ourselves.What a man cannot clearly state ,he does not Know.The main difference between men and animals is that men can express themselves though words while animals cannot."Language" ,says Coleridge,"is the armoury of the human mind".He who control words,controls true source of power.Success and vocabulary go hand in hand.This has been proved so often that it no longer admits of argument.
Our knowledge of words is all that makes it possible for us to understand our associates or our friends; and only by words that we can import ideas to others,or command them to do our wishes.More important then this ,we think with words.Dr.John Dewy once remarked :"Thought is impossible without words".It follows that the more words we know the more clearly and powerfully we will think.A.P.Herbert is right when he says :"Words are the tools of the thought,and you will find often that you are thinking badly because yo are using the wrong tools,trying to bore a hole with a screw -driver ,draw a cork with a coal-hammer ".  "Words" , writes chesterfield ,"are the dress of our thought which should no more be presented in ranges,tatters and dirt than your person should". There are two types of words Negative Words and Positive Words. Both kinds of Words are reflecting  of our thoughts.

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